
Rodin Museum

The Rodin Museum in Paris houses the largest collection of works by French sculptor Auguste Rodin, including the famous Thinker.

The Rodin Museum is housed in a fabulous building of rococo architecture, the Hôtel Biron on rue Varenne, not far from the Musée d’Orsay.

In the heart of the aristocratic Faubourg St-Germain district, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, the museum houses an immense collection of the works of Auguste Rodin, the greatest European sculptor of the late 19th century.

Surrounded by a beautiful garden, the Rodin Museum was built between 1728 and 1730 by architect Jean Aubert and it was here that the artist spent the last years of his life. In fact, the house is surrounded by 3 hectares of flowerbeds, rows and gardens where you can relax in the shade of a quiet terrace.

The most famous works

The museum is spread over 18 rooms tracing Auguste Rodin’s artistic career, from those exhibited at the pavilion dedicated to him at the Universal Expo of 1900 to his last creations.

You can thus get to know and appreciate the artistic vision of this exceptional sculptor.

The Thinker

This is perhaps Rodin’s most representative and best-known work, depicting a man immersed in his thoughts, with a powerful, muscular body that reflects his physical and spiritual strength.

It is actually a depiction of the Italian poet Dante: only later did it take on the meaning of the modern thinker, analysing his fate and his existence full of suffering.

The Gates of Hell

The result of over 30 years of work, the work is a magnificent monumental portal, entirely covered with bas-reliefs depicting Dante’s Inferno.

Commissioned in 1880 by Edmond Turquet, the 4-metre-high door is a splendid work of art. Observing it closely, you will recognise more than 180 figures, with well-known characters such as Dante Alighieri, Paolo and Francesca, Count Ugolino and Adam and Eve.

The Three Shadows

Another of the masterpieces of the Rodin Museum in Paris is this bronze work, a hymn to the author’s genius.

The peculiarity of the sculpture is undoubtedly the gaze of the three figures, who seem to stare down at the spectator.

The Kiss

The sculptural group The Kiss was originally part of the project for the Gates of Hell and was to have been called Francesca da Rimini.

However, the great passionate force unleashed by the work, incompatible with the drama of Hell, led the artist to change his mind and make the sculpture autonomous. In fact, the sculpture possesses a strength and vivid independence, such that it almost seems animated.

Iris the Messenger of the Gods

Designed in 1891, this sculpture was revolutionary for its time, generating indignation and admiration from critics at the same time. The reason is obvious: the absence of the arms and head focus the viewer’s attention on the female genitals, displayed in an almost celebratory manner.

In reality, the work depicts the symbolic link between the human world and that of the gods.

How to get there

In the heart of the rive gauche, the Rodin Museum is easily accessible by public transport.

Buy the entrance ticket

Useful information


77 Rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris, France


TEL: +33 1 44 18 61 10


  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:30
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:30
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 18:30
  • Friday: 10:00 - 18:30
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 18:30
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 18:30


Metro stops

  • Varenne (177 mt)
  • Ecole Militaire (748 mt)
  • Invalides (751 mt)

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